Jonas Rafael Rossatto » Honda Motos Argentina
Honda Motos Argentina



The work to redesign the website of Honda for the year 2011 was a great team, because was laborious and time consuming, Wally Wallingre played some ideas while I did the design + html and css. The German Del Zotto in Spain was making the suggested updates to control panel. Three months later we were with a new online version, and a much better control panel and with new features such as 360 degrees manageable.

we make replacing components that were flash jquery aiming for compatibility with iPad and iPhone.

All sections have special colors

The main street was in Gray.
Offroad – Brown
ATV – deep red.

Special thanks to this project Clarita who explained to me numerous times what it was everything and Wally Wallingre to give opportunity to participate in this giant project without I knowing how to speak Spanish so well (at the time of project). 😉

/* TEAM */
  Developer: German Del Zotto
  Contact:   germ[at]
  Twitter:   @germandz
  From:      Madrid, Spain
  Born in:   Argentina

  Design idea: Daniel "Wally" Wallingre
  Twitter:     @wally_wallingre
  From:        Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Born in:     Argentina

  Design:      Jonas Rafael Rossatto
  Contact:     jonas[at]
  Twitter:     @rossatto
  From:        Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Born in:     Brazil

/* SITE */
  Last update: 2011/01/04
  Language:    Spanish
  Doctype:     (x)HTML
  Tools:       PHP 5, Kohana Framework 2.x, MySQL 5, JQuery, Flash (just a little, sorry)
  IDE:         Textmate

  • Client:

    Honda Motor Argentina

  • Work:

    WTF? Agency

  • Location:

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Year:


  • Tool:


  • Language:
